Ευχάριστα νέα από τη Blizzard έχουμε εδώ και λίγες ώρες. Ανακοινώθηκε ο νέος ήρωας που θα λάβει μέρος στον MOBA τίτλο της Blizzard Heroes of the Storm!
Ο νέος ήρωας θα είναι ο Samuro, προερχόμενος από τον διαχρονικό Strategy τίτλο Warcraft 3. Δεν υπάρχει όμως η ακριβής ημερομηνία της άφιξης του Assasin-type ήρωα στο HotS!
Σύμφωνα με τους developers ο Samuro θα έχει τα εξής traits και abilities:
- Advancing Strike – Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes increase your Movement Speed by 25% for 2 seconds.
Basic Abilities
- Mirror Image (Q) – Create 2 Mirror Images that deal 30% of your damage and have 50% of your current Health. Images last up to 18 seconds, and only 2 can be active at once.
- Critical Strike (W) – Your next Basic Attack within 10 seconds will be a Critical Strike, dealing 50% increased damage. This also applies to Mirror Images and does not break Wind Walk. Passive: You and your Mirror Images deal a Critical Strike every 4th Basic Attack.
- Wind Walk (E) – Enter Stealth for up to 8 seconds or until you attack, use an Ability, or take damage. While Stealthed, your Movement Speed is increased by 25% and you can pass through other units. Damage taken during the first 1 second will not break Wind Walk.
Heroic Abilities
- Bladestorm (R) – Become an unstoppable whirlwind, dealing moderate damage to nearby enemies every second for 4 seconds.
- Illusion Master (R) – Switch places with the target Mirror Image. Passive: You can control Mirror Images separately or as a group, and they deal an additional 15% of your damage.
Τέλος, μπορείτε να δείτε παρακάτω το trailer της Blizzard για τον νέο ήρωά της Samuro.